After Aamir poked fun at Shah Rukh and said that SRK was the Number 2 actor in the country, trailing him who was at number one, SRK poked fun at Aamir in his inimitable style. At most times Shah Rukh is pompous and conceited but he is smart enough to realize when to look humble and humorous. And this was an opportune moment. If he had disagreed with Aamir then he would look like an arrogant ass (which he is at times), but he played it down by accepting that Aamir was number 1 and he was happy that Aamir was considering him as Number 1.
If that is the case why does he keep throwing quotes around to all who care to listen (and there are not a few media people who lap up all his gab fest) that he is the finest actor in the country. He loses no opputunity in declaring that he is the best. Well, we agree he works very hard, is a great role model for the country (has not killed any endangered species, not beaten up his wife or girlfriend, has not killed people by drunken driving, etc) but the best???? Perhaps the most successful, thanks to the great rapport he has to the most important camps in the Industry (Chopra's, Johars, Farah, etc), thanks to the 'close' relationship with Karan Jhar who has given him his biggest (and most painful to endure) hits (Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham). And most importantly the bad taste of Indian viewers.
Best actors shouldn't that club be reserved for good actors and not stars - though an actor can become a star. Actors like Aamir Khan, Shiney Ahuja (the great new hope for the Hindi Industry), Kay Kay Menon, Amitabh Bachchan, Naseeruddin Shah, Om Puri, Kulbhushan Kharbanda, Amrish Puri, Balraj Saini (yeah...i am going back in time). Perhaps stars like Saif, Akshay Kumar, Kangana Ranaut will join this club, but SRK and company? No Ways!!!
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